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Sedation Dentistry – Tyler, TX

Helping You Feel More Comfortable
In The Treatment Chair

Man relaxing after sedation dentistry visit

Do you get anxious or feel scared every time you need to visit your dentist’s office for treatment? Dental phobia is a common condition that many people suffer from, including children, teens, and adults. It’s known to prevent patients from scheduling necessary dental appointments, resulting in declining oral health. At Southern Oaks Dental, our goal is to make taking care of your oral health easier and more comfortable, which is why we offer oral conscious and nitrous oxide sedation dentistry in Tyler, TX.

Why Choose Southern Oaks Dental
for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Sedation Dentistry
    For Children Available
  • Experienced
    Sedation Dentist
  • Suppress Strong

Oral Conscious Sedation

Man holding oral conscious dental sedation pill

If you have moderate to more severe dental anxiety, oral conscious sedation may be the best way to get you into the dental office to receive the care you need. We’ll prescribe a pill for you to take before your appointment, so you’ll arrive at our dental office feeling perfectly calm and relaxed. Continue reading to learn more about oral conscious sedation, how it works, and who it can help!

What Is Oral Conscious Sedation?

Woman taking a pill

Oral conscious sedation is usually recommended for adults who have anxiety, fear, or something else that makes sitting in the dental chair uncomfortable. There aren’t any needles or masks required. Instead, you a prescribed a small pill to take an hour before your appointment. By the time your procedure begins, you will be perfectly relaxed and ready for treatment.

How Does Oral Conscious Sedation Work?

Woman relaxed in the dental chair

Once the effects of the pill kick in, you will feel a deep sense of relaxation. Some patients don’t even have memory of their visit afterward. However, you will stay awake throughout the whole treatment, so you will still be able to answer questions and follow the instructions of your dental team. The effects of oral conscious sedation can linger, so you will need to plan for a trusted friend or family member to drive you to and from your treatment.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Oral Conscious Sedation?

Man scared at the dentist

Oral conscious sedation may be a good option for you if you:

  • Have dental anxiety/phobia
  • Have negative precious dental experiences
  • Have a long dental treatment
  • Are undergoing multiple procedures at once
  • Have difficulty sitting still
  • Have a sensitive gag reflex
  • Struggle to become numb from local anesthetics
  • Regularly cancel dental visits due to anxiety

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Man with nitrous oxide sedation dentistry nasal mask

Nitrous oxide sedation is a great method for children and adults who experience mild to moderate dental fear. When you arrive at our dental office, we’ll place a small nose mask on your face to allow you to breathe in a colorless and odorless gas. Within a few minutes, you’ll notice a euphoric wave wash over you. Some patients report that it even makes them feel tingly. After your treatment is complete, we’ll remove the mask, and in about two to five minutes the effects will wear off and you can go about the rest of your day as you normally would. Read on to learn more about nitrous oxide dental sedation in Tyler.

Who Is a Good Candidate for Nitrous Oxide Sedation?

Dental implant consultation in Tyler

Nitrous oxide dental sedation is a safe, reliable, and effective choice for nearly any patient. It’s the gentlest form of sedation and can be easily adjusted at any time throughout your appointment, making it an excellent option for children, teenagers, adults, and older adults alike. Nitrous oxide sedation can help patients who:

  • Need some help feeling relaxed or comfortable in the dental chair
  • Have an overactive gag reflex or very sensitive teeth
  • Typically don’t respond well to numbing medication alone
  • Have neck, jaw, shoulder, or back pain that makes sitting in the dental chair uncomfortable
  • Plan on having a complex procedure or numerous treatments completed at once

While this form of sedation dentistry is a good choice for most patients, we will always evaluate your health and medical history beforehand to ensure it is the best option for you.

How Does Nitrous Oxide Sedation Work?

Woman relaxing with nitrous oxide sedation at the dentist’s in Tyler

 Once you’ve settled into the examination chair, we’ll place a small mask over your nose. You’ll breathe in a colorless, odorless gas and within just a few moments, you’ll feel light, airy, and at-ease. Sometimes patients will feel giggly or very happy, which is where it earned the nickname laughing gas!

You’ll feel as if you’re in a dream-like state while you breathe in the nitrous oxide. While it won’t put you to sleep, you won’t notice any of the sights, sounds, or sensations that would typically cause you physical or emotional discomfort. You’ll remain awake enough to respond to basic instructions and answer simple questions. We’ll monitor you closely throughout your treatment and can increase or decrease your level of sedation at any time to make sure you’re comfortable.

Aftercare for Nitrous Oxide Sedation

relaxed woman recovering from nitrous oxide sedation in Tyler

One of the most popular benefits of nitrous oxide sedation dentistry is that it requires practically no aftercare! We’ll remove your mask once your treatment has been complete and within just a few minutes of breathing regular air, you’ll return to your normal level of consciousness. In just about five minutes, you’ll be ready to drive yourself home and go about your day with no interruption!